Facts to Know Before You Start a Board Game Crowdfunding Campaign
Designing and developing a board game for a crowdfunding campaign is as much of a challenge as it is fun...
Designing and developing a board game for a crowdfunding campaign is as much of a challenge as it is fun...
We explore the origins of the coffee table book, speculate about its future, and look at the rising trend in...
This guide takes beginners through the 12 necessary steps to a working board game, from getting an idea to publishing...
We take an unbiased look at the pros and cons of self-publishing vs pitching your board game to a publisher...
We share 12 smart tips to save on the cost of printing your self-published book without sacrificing quality Book Printed...
A complete guide to all the components and other elements that you might want to include in your board game...
We take you step-by-step from drafting your comic to the final printed product including all the technical stuff made easy...
We look at the meaning of mechanics in board game design and how they integrate with idea, theme, and rules...
Everything you need to get started including writing, illustration and design tips, content ideas, and printing costs Photo by QinPrinting...